كلام رومانسي انجليزي
I hope one day you will understand what I’m feeling for you. Right now I
just know I don’t want to go on without you.
You broke my heart right from the start,
I never let you go. Hold me tonight, Cause
I need you.
I know i have the choice to stay, but something is pulling me away, i
need to go home, before its to late, you made me alive, thats why i
will always love you, take this chance to remember the good times, and not to
let them die!
I feel like we’re on different planets. We were closer when I was in a
different state. Now you don’t know what you want and I’m starting to not even
care, what’s happening to us?
In my eyes…
The saying that you’re the only one I see. . .
That, I believe is a lie.
In my eyes, I see a lot of people. . .
But throughout that group of people,
I only search for you. . .
I want what I can’t have and I want nothing to do with what I
do have, no matter how great it is, no matter how much I love you.
In the end… none of it matters. Becuase it will never make sense…
The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love someone else .
if i has to choose between loving you, and breathing. I would use my last
breath to say I LOVE YOU.
Stars are seen together, yet they are so far apart
True friends may not speak everyday, but remember we are linked heart to heart
Have you a great day
النجومعندما نشاهدها نجدها متقاربة بجوار بعض بعد ذلك تتباعد
الأصدقاء الحقيقيين قدلا يتحدثون مع بعضهم يوميا،
لكن تذكروا ان قلوبهم متصلة ببعضها
يوما سعيدالك..
People live
People die
People laugh
People cry
Some give up
Some still try
Some say hi
While some say bye
Others may forget you
but never will I
البعض يستسلم
والبعض مازاليحاول
البعض يقول مرحبا
بينما آخرون يقولون وداعا
وآخرين قد ينسونك
أماأنا مستحيل أنساك